Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Making Minecraft Meaningful

My class had an amazing year of learning. One of the big reasons for this was a little known video game called MinecraftEDU. Heard of it?  I didn't think so.  Anyway, I got to share my student's learning today at the Learning Achievement Coalition of Oakland County's Effective Practices conference.  (How's that mouthful!)

I have to say, I love sharing Minecraft with others, because when I first started with it back in December, I had never once even seen anyone play the game, much less use it in an academic way.  Sure, there are lots of educators using it for project based learning, but that's not exactly what I was looking for....  I wanted total integration.  So, that's what we did!  I'm excited to continue sharing Minecraft with other educators, but in the mean time, check out some of the projects that came out of my students' learning experiences!

Science: Light & Sound, Force & Motion

History: Explorers & Michigan

Geography: Natural Resources and their impact on a region

Math: Fractions, Area, Perimeter, & Volume

History: Fort Mackinac

Economics: Natural Resources and their role in economics

History: Michigan Native Americans

Social Studies: Landforms

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