Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Natural Resources

This post needs little write up, as I think it's self explanatory.  Really.

But if it's not, please let me know, and I'll elaborate.

Enjoy the shows!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

I Love EdCamp


I've lost count of how many EdCamps I've gone to since discovering them three years ago.  It's now more than ten, for sure.

January found me at EdCamp WBWL (West Bloomfield/Walled Lake) which was held at a Walled Lake elementary school.  This EdCamp is in it's second year (the first year it was held at West Bloomfield High School) and I loved seeing how it grew from year one to year two!

I facilitated a conversation on homework.  Oh, homework...... I am so not a fan.  But, as parents seem to "enjoy" when their kids have homework, we had quite a nice conversation.  I've moved to an all online homework this year, and I love the ease in differentiating that it allows (as well as the time at the copy machine it eliminates!)

From there, I headed over to EdCamp Schoolcraft, which was a first timer.  EdCamp Schoolcraft joined forces with EdCamp Novi, and created a pretty spectacular Saturday event.  Hosted at Schoolcraft College (which is BEAUTIFUL!) there were plenty of places nearby for lunch, plenty of parking, and with those two details out of the way, plenty of learning time!

This EdCamp, well..... it was early February, and my class had already completed one major Minecraft project and was heading into their second.  As I know no one Minecrafting the way I do, I thought it might be worth while sharing this with others.  I mean, I know I do some pretty unique stuff in the classroom, and if it were possible, I'd love for all learners to have the chance to experience some of those "stuffs."  Sharing with peers at EdCamps is one great way to spread the fun!

Next on the list is EdCamp Lake Orion - a first timer - in April, followed by the 5th anniversary of EdCamp Detroit!  EdCamp Flint/Genessee is somewhere in there, too.  It's hard to pass up an opportunity like an EdCamp, as it's some of the best ever PD out there!

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Action Again?

Way back in December, I shared how my class had completed two action projects thus far.

Well, we took a little more action.

It's important to me that when we have our class parties and celebrations, that we do more than just focus on ourselves.  So for the past several years (ok, the first class I initiated this challenge to are now high school juniors) at every class party, we've incorporated an action project of some sort.

Halloween, being the first party of the year, is a bit tricky, and we've done several repeats.  That's fine by me, because the projects are very age appropriate.  We generally decorate a candy bag, and the kids either collect candy for charity, or donate their own, which then is sent to a local organization that usually works with kids.  Collecting for Gleaners this year was a first.

For our Winter Celebration, we've done SO many things!  We've made sock snowmen to donate, we've collected food (like we did this year,) we've made pillows, collected gloves and hats, all to donate.

Valentine's Day, however, has been the most varied.  In the past we've collected hand sanitizer and bagged up nicely for homeless shelters, we've collected supplies for blessing bags, we've made cards and taken them to Catching Fireflies (an awesome store if you haven't been there!) to donate.

The past two years we've participated in DoSomething.org's Love Letters campaign.  It's fun, easy, and oh-so-meaningful for kids of all ages.  Essentially, DoSomething compiled a list of Meals on Wheels and other similar services in each state.  They give you some basic guidelines as to what kids should include on the card, and that's it!

My class really got into it this year, and wrote some of the sweetest notes that I know will brighten someone's otherwise lonely Valentine's Day.

Action really can be simple, but the act of action?  Always a powerful one.

Here's what the kids had to say about it....